12 Marriage & Money

Marriage and Money

Ecclesiastes 4:12 A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Proverbs 16: 20 Those who are attentive to a matter will prosper. and happy are those who trust the Lord.

Finances: Second after lack of communication, as cause for divorce.

I. Three strands in marriage: husband, wife, God.
A. Before marriage learn whether God’s guidelines for money are followed.
B. If not, don’t marry. Examine financial behavior and transparency.
Credit card debt
Student debt
Loans from family members

II. In marriage: transparency in all income and all money going out.

III. Set times for discussions when things are smooth (not tired or hungry)

IV. If you agree on everything, one is unnecessary.
A. Attempt to understand backgrounds
B. Compromise and affirm what you can agree on.
C. Remember the three strands and pray.

V. Three vital things in marriage to master your money.
A. Agree on a basic plan. Watch video 3 together
B. Regular and consistent budget work together
C. Willingness to change your habits.

VI. Second marriages require all the above. If not, don’t remarry.

11 Loaning Money


13 Budget Busters