23 Generational Challenges

Generational characteristics and challenges.

Proverbs 22: 6 ‘Train a child on the way they should go and they’ll not depart from it.’

I. Benefits of intergenerational conversations
A. Passing on a wise baton
B. Acknowledging what we wish we had done

II. Millennial women
A. Earn more
B. Accumulate more debt
C. Have diverse educational and work opportunities
D. Accumulate less stuff
E. Long to make a difference

III. Generation X
A. Most connected, educated, sophisticated generation ever
B. Accumulate stuff including experiences
C. Sandwiched between generations
D. Salt and light in diverse places in society

IV. Baby Boomers
A. Tempted to hoard
B. Tempted to ‘spoil’ others
C. Freedom of time and resources to bless others.

22 IRA’s Annuities, Roths & 401k


24 8 Habits of Wise Women